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Senior Citizen Health Saver Plan

Allow your family the advantage of the most essential bundle of healthcare services & a stress free life from all their medical requirements!
Senior Citizen Health Saver Plan is designed for Ayushplus members

This plan is combination of Medical Health Card and Preventive Healthcare.

  • Covers 2 members in the family.
  • Members will be provided with health check packages and medical cards .
  • Pre-existing diseases are also covered.
  • No age limit. All types of treatments are covered.

Preventive Healthcare Benefits

4 Master Health checkup packages will be provided for your family members only. Being proactive in taking care of health is the best way to reduce all unforeseen medical expenses, Access your full body health check report @ Home. 61 tests on the below profiles :-

Lipid profile (cholesterol,LDL,VDL,Tryglycerides)- 8tests Liver Profile (SGOT.SGPT, ALK PHOS,Protein,SAlbumi )-11 tests Kidney Profile (Calcium,Uric Acid ,Urea,Creatinine)- 5 tests Iron Deficiency Profile (Iron,TIBC,%transferiin) – 3 tests Thyroid Profile (T3,T4,TSH) – 3 Tests Diabetic Screen  (HBA1C, Average blood glucose)-2 tests CBC /Hemogram -28 Tests.

2 Dental packages will be provided for your family with our empaneled dentist for cleaning and scaling procedures.

Free cleaning and scaling procedures will be provided which will turn your teeth milky white and Regular Dental visits are important because they help to keep your teeth gums healthy.

Free OPD consultations

10 Free OPD consultations with best doctors in our panel. This is valid only for your family members who are provided with Med card.

Medical Card Benefits

  • Access the best chain of labs  Pharmacies to avail up to 30% discounts.
  • Network Access to almost 14,000 medical experts across 38 cities in India.
  • Four Master Health check packages with 61 of the most vital & recommended tests – Help your family know their health requirements!.
  • Two Dental cleaning & scaling packages.
  • Ten Doctor Consultation for your family for Free of cost in Top Multispecialty Hospitals.
  • The Cover entitles Ayushplus Primary Member + Maximum of any 3 eligible family members (including parents or in-laws).
  • Online Doc Chat.
  • 2nd Opinion.

  • Dial-a-doc.

  • Cover on Family Floater basis
  • Health plan valid for one year
  • Complete Cashless programs in our network hospitals
  • No medical check-up required
  • Hassle free claims process


Need to Pay-14440/- including GST.